Join our exclusive quarterly cigar subscription and receive 5 unique premium cigars, carefully curated from top Boutique Cigar Association member companies. Every three months, you’ll enjoy a diverse selection of handcrafted cigars, while supporting a great cause. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the BCA, helping fund our efforts to advocate for and protect small, family-owned cigar businesses. Indulge in the finest cigars and stand with us in preserving the boutique cigar industry!

Every 3 months, receive 5 handpicked cigars, expertly curated to align with your refined palate.

5 Premium Cigars
Exquisite Selections
Monthly Complimentary  Delivery

$59.00 every 3 months

Coffee Pairing of the Week

Kafie 1901 Honduras Organic Coffee

16 oz / 1 lb. bag – whole bean coffee

Our Honduras coffee blend is hand selected by a certified Q grader and imported directly from family owned farms into our roasting facility in Miami, Florida.  The coffee is organic, single source, and proudly roasted in small batches.Roasted for taste, distinct body characters and levels of acidity, making the coffee more complex in every cup.  Coffee has notes of chocolate and cocoa, a naturally ocurring characteristic found in this Arabica bean grown and harvested on select fair trade farms in Honduras.

