Cigar Subscriptions

Indulge in a monthly delivery of hand-selected, premium cigars from the world’s finest tobacco regions. Each luxurious package features exclusive blends and limited-edition releases, tailored to your unique palate. Enjoy personalized tasting notes and exquisite packaging that ensures freshness. Join us on a refined journey of flavor and sophistication, where every puff is a celebration of craftsmanship and tradition.

Cigar Subscriptions

Indulge in a monthly delivery of hand-selected, premium cigars from the world’s finest tobacco regions. Each luxurious package features exclusive blends and limited-edition releases, tailored to your unique palate. Enjoy personalized tasting notes and exquisite packaging that ensures freshness. Join us on a refined journey of flavor and sophistication, where every puff is a celebration of craftsmanship and tradition.

Cigars & Coffees Subscription (COMING SOON)

Elevate your senses with our curated subscription that combines the finest cigars and gourmet coffee. Each month, receive a selection of premium, hand-rolled cigars paired with exquisite, ethically sourced coffee beans, expertly chosen to enhance your enjoyment. Delight in personalized tasting notes and brewing tips, all delivered in elegant packaging that ensures freshness. Immerse yourself in a luxurious journey where every puff and sip celebrates the art of refinement.

Cigars & Coffees Subscription (COMING SOON)

Elevate your senses with our curated subscription that combines the finest cigars and gourmet coffee. Each month, receive a selection of premium, hand-rolled cigars paired with exquisite, ethically sourced coffee beans, expertly chosen to enhance your enjoyment. Delight in personalized tasting notes and brewing tips, all delivered in elegant packaging that ensures freshness. Immerse yourself in a luxurious journey where every puff and sip celebrates the art of refinement.

Coffee Subscription


Discover the art of gourmet coffee with our exclusive subscription service. Each month, receive a curated selection of premium, ethically sourced beans from around the world, roasted to perfection. Enjoy tasting notes and brewing tips tailored to elevate your morning ritual. Delivered in elegant packaging, our subscription ensures every sip is a luxurious experience, inviting you to savor the richness of exceptional coffee.

Coffee Subscription


Discover the art of gourmet coffee with our exclusive subscription service. Each month, receive a curated selection of premium, ethically sourced beans from around the world, roasted to perfection. Enjoy tasting notes and brewing tips tailored to elevate your morning ritual. Delivered in elegant packaging, our subscription ensures every sip is a luxurious experience, inviting you to savor the richness of exceptional coffee.

Keep in touch!



+(305) 255-6368



8334 S.W. 193rd Street
Miami, Florida 33157
